sabato, febbraio 02, 2013

Full example of Ajax-powered text field with Yii

Some days ago I needed to transform a simple text field into an AJAX-powered widget, so that values could be obtained from asyncronous queries to the webserver.

I used a widget from the framework itself, zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAutoComplete, but I had to figure out how to actually use it. I will recap here what I did.

Imagine you have a "tag" field, used to add tags to something. In your view, replace your ordinary widget:

<?php echo $form->textField($tagform,'tag'); ?>

with the new one, AJAX-powered:
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAutoComplete', array(

The "options" array allows you to define a delay after which the AJAX call will be executed, and a minimal number of characters to wait.
Since the source for data is defined as 'tag/suggest', you'll need to define an action in the tag controller:

 * Serves a list of suggestions matching the term $term, in form of
 * a json-encoded object.
 * @param string $term the string to match
public function actionSuggest($term='')

This action will call a custom function that sends the HTTP header and the JSON-encoded list of tags. The parameter's name, that we'll refer to as $term, is hardcoded in the underlying jqueryui autocomplete widget.

The custom function must be written in the controller or, even better, in the Controller class, since this way it is shared with the other controllers:
// in protected/components/Controller.php
 * Serves an object as a json-encoded string via HTTP.
 * @param string $object the object to send
public function serveJson($object)
  $this->serveContent('application/json', CJSON::encode($object), false);

 * Serves a content via HTTP.
 * @param string $type the Internet Media Type (MIME) of the content
 * @param string $content the content to send
public function serveContent($type, $content)
  $this->_serve($type, $content, false);

 * Serves a file via HTTP.
 * @param string $type the Internet Media Type (MIME) of the file
 * @param string $file the file to send
public function serveFile($type, $file)
  $this->_serve($type, $file, true);

 * Serves something via HTTP.
 * @param string $type the Internet Media Type (MIME) of the content
 * @param string $content the content to send
 * @param boolean $is_file whether the content is a file
private function _serve($type, $content, $is_file=false)
  header("Content-Type: " . $type);
  if ($is_file)
    echo $content;
Now, it's the model's job to get the data that match the term.

 * Retrieves tags that match a term.
 * @param string $term a term to use for matching tags.
 * @return array tags titles that match the term.
public function findMatches($term='')
   return array();
  $q = new CDbCriteria();
  $q->addSearchCondition('title', $term);
  $tags = self::model()->findAll($q);

  foreach($tags as $tag)
  return $results;

This function will retrieve from the table all the rows that match the criteria, and return an array with the values actually needed.

venerdì, febbraio 01, 2013

Weird screen resolutions from Firefox

When you collect information about users' screen resolution, it happens you get weird numbers, like 797x448, or 683x348. Just take a look at to have a list of this kind of weird resolutions, each with a little percentage of users. Where do these numbers come from?

The answer is easy, once you know that screen resolution is detected with a little javascript code accessing the values of screen.width and screen.height, respectively (like in the following example), and that Firefox computes these values taking the zoom level into account.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

 <title>Screen resolution</title>
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />

<h1>Screen resolution</h1>

<p>Width x Height: <span id="resolution"></span></p>

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.onload = function() {
    document.getElementById('resolution').innerHTML = screen.width + 'x' + screen.height;
If you try this page with Firefox, you can see that changing the resolution (ctrl-plus and ctrl-minus) does affect the numbers you get (press ctrl-0 to reset standard zoom level).

Unfortunately, it seems that there are not valid generic methods for getting the zoom level, at least according to this page on StackOverflow.